Does speaking at 1 Event make you a 'Speaker'? In my not so humble opinion I say yes it does. My name is Florence Oriwo, a serial Entrepreneuer & Speaker. That is my official introductory greeting as from now henceforth. Am really loving this phase of my life, things are falling into place, not suddenly but because of the years of hard work & dedication that I have put in. And am more than ready & willing to share my journey with the world.
Thank you to 'Maame Dentaa Amoo' & the 'African Mums in Deutschland' Facebook group for inviting me to come & speak at the 'Thrive Fest' that was recently held in Hamburg. It was an amazing opportunity for me to not only network with other amazing African Mums but I also got to learn a lot from the other speakers who were part of the programme. I do hope that I was able to inspire the wonderful people that I came into contact with by sharing my story. Thank you again for the opportunity.
'If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you are always in the same place.'....Nora Roberts