'You don't have to know it all or even do it all but your HEART absolutely has to be in it.'
I recently came across this quote online which was shared by the amazing 'Myleik' & it deeply resonated with me (just like most of the content that she shares does). Fear shows up everyday in our lives & even the slightest sight of it makes us stop suddenly in our tracks. It might be the fear of failure, of losing it all, of taking that first leap of faith, of not having everything figured out, of not knowing where the financing for a project is going to come from. How many times have I personally let fear keep me from going for what I wanted.
But when you look at it from a different point of view, fear also keeps us from achieving our best because if you never give it a go, how will you ever find out if it would have succeeded or not? So listen to your heart & go for that which you dream of, giving it all that you have & can.