A love story between 2 Kenyan girls in a society that does not recognise same sex relationship is what this film is all about. 'Rafiki' means 'Friends' in Swahili & that's exactly how the relationship between the 2 starts. This is the first Kenyan film to ever be screened at the 'Cannes Film Festival', a film that was banned in it's own country of origin (the ban was lifted for 7 days to allow the public to watch the film after it created waves in Cannes).
'Rafiki' was one of the many films shown during last years 'Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage' (Gay & Lesbians Film Festival) here in Hamburg. Yes you read that right, last year...This blogpost is unfortunately a year late. It was my first time to ever attend this Festival & to be honest, if it wasn't for 'Rafiki', I never would have. But I couldn't help but feel proud when the Film came to an end & the whole audience stood up clapping....proudly Kenyan yet again!