I think that I am experiencing a 'Writer's Block' at the moment, not because I am at a loss of words or that I don't have anything to write about (knowing myself, that is almost impossible), but it's because my mind, emotions & feelings are completely in jumbles at the moment. So instead of writing something that makes absolutely no sense to you guys, I thought that it would be better for me to take a step back, re-examine myself & use the chance to re-introduce myself to you & also to my new followers (I see you guys & am grateful that you've decided to join the family).
So, I have decided to tell you '20 Random Facts about Myself' (I know, such a random Blog). Here we go:
- I have a fear of complete darkness, so there is always a lamp on when I sleep.
- I don't watch horror films anymore. I used to love them when I was younger but somehow developed some fear along the way, so I avoid them as much as I can.
- 'Netflix & Chill' is not for me. I don't do well when given too many options so I stick to normal TV or watch something that I pre-recorded.
- I don't watch series because I hate being kept in suspense. I prefer episodes that have endings.
- I hate sleeping & think that it's a waste of valuable time.
- I don't read self-help/motivational book. I prefer Romance novels.
- Books are my weakness, I spend quite a lot of my income on Audio-books, but am trying to cut down on that by borrowing books from my local library. Another weakness that I have is buying Fabrics :)
- Am a very social person who makes friends easily.
- My Babies mean the world to me, I even watch them while they sleep (creepy huh!).
- Am a hopeless romantic (Flowers, Romantic movies, walks in the park, holding hands, PDA).
- I cannot swim!
- My dream job was to become a flight attendant but I had to give that up because ; 1) I hate flying & 2) I can't swim.
- Music is my true escape, I cannot stand silence.
- Am the last born in my family, I have 4 older siblings who I love to death.
- I love traveling but not alone, I feel like the experience should be shared.
- I am very creative, DIYs are my life.
- I wear my heart on my sleeve which means that am very emotional & cry at the smallest things, arguments, when I receive bad news or good news, when watching sad or happy movies, when I read an emotional book or even just an emotional post on Social Media.
- I love posing for photos but hate being the centre of attraction, makes me feel very awkward.
- I love writing (duuuuh),it's become sort of Therapy for me & helps me process my emotions & experiences, might even publish a book one day!
- Fashion is one of the ways in which I express myself.
- I have been self employed for the last 4 years & I have to admit that these have been the most challenging years of my life, but I have also never been so happy & proud of myself like this in my life before.
- I don't like eating Chocolate but have a weakness for chocolate cakes & brownies..

Oh well, that's me 'randomly', hope that you enjoy this blog & I wish you all a lovely week ahead.