I've always been the type of person who somehow never really celebrates achievements. Don't get me wrong, of course when something positive happens in my life, I will 'stand high on a mountain & scream out in joy & gratitude' (all this happens mostly on the inside). But I never let myself really savour the moment & actually really celebrate the victory because often times than not, am already focusing my vision & energy onto the next challenge. I guess that this is as a result of having an in-born drive to always do better.
But with age comes wisdom & am now slowly learning to take my time & just live in the moment, laugh, dance, congratulate myself for even the smallest victories & to remind myself time & time again, ''Flo, you've worked hard for this & you deserve it''. It might be something as small as losing an inch or two on my waist measurements (a goal & not a reality) or completing an order, I will celebrate the victory.