Imagine your local Barbershop turned into an intimate music stage where a beautiful & talented Songstress is belting out soulful sounds that fills the whole room & captures the hearts of each & every person in the audience. What a joy it was to be part of this amazing Accoustic performance by Y'akoto at the the 'TrippleM' Barbershop in Wandesbeker Chausee, here in Hamburg.
Fahad Aziz, who owns the Barbershop & who could be seen doing his magic on a clients's head during the concert is dong a great job by creating an opportunity & environment where Black Art is applauded & a good light is shone upon , because there is so much talent out there which needs to be encouraged & developed.

Tripple Barbershop
Wandsbeker Chaussee 164
22089 Hamburg

The Director (Bradley Iyamu)& cast members of the first 'Afro-German' Film 'THUG'(True Hustler Under God).

'Mermaid Blues' is Y'akoto's third album & it is simply amazing. This was my second time watching her live (the first time which I shared on this previous blogpost) & I am definately a big fan of hers. is currently on Tour so you can catch on below mentioned dates.
Y’akoto – Mermaid Blues Tour 2017
17.06. Sommerfestival Budapest, Ungarn
19.08. Stadtpark, Hamburg, Deutschland
03.10. Plaza, Zürich, Schweiz
04.10. Jazzhaus, Freiburg, Deutschland
05.10. Muffathalle, München, Deutschland
07.10. Treibhaus, Innsbruck, Österreich
09.10. Im Wizemann Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland
10.10. Gloria Theater, Köln, Deutschland
12.10. Musikzentrum, Hannover, Deutschland
13.10. Zoom, Frankfurt, Deutschland
14.10. Kulturtage, Oldenburg, Deutschand
15.10. Lido, Berlin, Deutschland
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