That is my new year resolution for the year 2017 as far as Oriwo-Design is concerned. The ever rising costs of producing here in Europe is what is causing most entreprenuers & especially
Fashion designers to seek other production options in Africa & Asia. As pictured below, there are so many talented & hardworking tailors in Kenya who have years of experience in the trade
but because of limited funds, they are confined to their small spaces with no way of fulfilling their dreams of expansion & increased sales. These are the people with whom I hope to work with
in the future.

But of course this is not something that you decide today & start the next day, because there are a lot of important issues which must also be put into consideration such as, shipping costs for both the fabrics & the finished products, communication during course of production, adequate supervision so as to stay within the set goals & budget & not forgetting the initial capital that is needed to start this whole endeavor.
'Where there is a will, there is a way' is what I keep on telling myself as I make the first baby steps towards this resolution. Wish me luck people.

- Dress Available here on my website
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