With more than 300,000 African immigrants living in Germany & a good number of them running successful businesses which contribute to the economical success of this country, an Event in Hamburg to celebrate them was definately worth attending.

The Night of African Entreprenuers in Germany orgarnised by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, was a forum to discuss about the History, Conditions & the success stories of various African Enreprenuers based in Germany. In attendance were among others Clement Klutse (Designated Chairman of the Immigrant Entreprenuers Organisation), Miranda Oben (IT Engineer & Presenter), Dr. Norbert Tschirpke (Researcher at the University of Südwesrfalen), Theresa Franz (CEO of Intertranslations), Yolander James (Fashion Designer & Owner of Yolander James Fashion House), Derrick Tawah (Founder & CEO of NjangiList), Girmai Teclai (CEO of GT World of Beauty GmbH).
It was very inspiring to hear from all these successful speakers about their humble beginnings & what motivated them to work hard to achieve the heights of success that they enjoy.

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