Growing up in Kisumu (my Home City), we always had Open Air Cinemas in our neighbourhood where Films would be shown once a month (if i remember correctly). And my Mum categorically forbade usto ever attend them, claiming that lots of brawls occurred there and it was totally unsafe for us Kids. The only time we were ever allowed to attend them was during Easter when a 'Jesus Film' would be screened.

So watching a Film in Open air under Stars at the Alsterdorfer
Markt here in Hamburg was an amazing experience. Such take place every Summer at different locations all over the City. We watched a Comedy, 'Liebe Halal' (Allowed Love) a Film set in Beirut,
Lebanon about the view of Love in a predominantly Muslim Culture. Attendance is free of charge and all one needs to carry is a chair or blanket and something to snack on and drink (a much welcome
idea unlike by indoor Cinemas where 'some people' have to sneak in Snacks with them).

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