Who would have thought that attending an Exhibition all about 'Sneakers' would be so interesting. I am not exactly a 'Sneaker/Sport shoes Fan' even though i have to admit that they are the most comfortable shoes ever made. But walking through the Exhibition & reading all about the history & development of this 'Kult' in the last years was really impressive.

'Sneakers' made a breakthrough back in 1985 through the Hiphop & Youth Culture before slowly & quietly making it's way into the wider population's interest. And now, it has become one of the most sought after Accessory in modern Fashion & Trends, with a market full of not only big Brands like Adidas, Nike, Asics, Puma, Converse but also other smaller not-so well known brands. These all try to outdo each-other not necessarily through pricing differences but by creating 'Cool Images' & 'Hip designs'. But still, there are sneakers being produced for specific Sports like Athletics, Basketball, Football & even Boxing.
At the moment, what has really caused a big wave in the 'Sneaker movement' are the 'Street sneakers' that are very popular especially among the younger generation. These usually come out in Series, are specifically named & are only available in limited quantities. Their releases are always accompanied by big campaigns which sometimes involve stars of different arts for example, Nike Air Yeezy, a collaboration between Nike & Kanye West.
This Exhibition was quite an eye-opener & we all enjoyed it. Here are just a few of the wonderful images that I was able to capture at the Museum Für Kunst & Gewerbe, in Hamburg.

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