Grüß Gott (greetings from Austria) where my Family & I are on Holiday.
Hubby was kind enough to drive through Holland so that I could visit 'Jansen Holland‘, one of the main suppliers of African Wax Print (Ankara) Fabricin Europe, they also carry Vlisco Fabrics. Am currently working on a late Fall/Winter collection which will hopefully be out this October &
will be incorporating Vlisco‘ Fabric which am so in love with.
The Shop is just amazing, so clean & well arranged with beautiful Fabrics that one is spoilt for choice when you enter there. And their service is just impeccable. I was able to pinpoint some
Fabrics that I really loved and they will be delivered to my Atelier by the time we get back to Hamburg. I can’t wait to start making some beautiful garments after this well-deserved break
because I have many great Ideas.Here are some of the Pictures that we captured while there with my crazy shopping partners.

Oriwo-designs will be show-casing it’s Fall/Winter Collection at a Fashion Show on the 1st of October in Hamburg & I will attatch a Flyer to this Event on this Blogpost. Please save the date & you are all welcome.
Have a lovely Sunday.

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