My first blog post
Hi everyone, I've decided to introduce something new onto the Website, A Fashion & Lifestyle Blog. Well, actually it's just like an online diary where i get to share my new creations, Outfits, how i Style some of my creations, what am up to and just to have some sort of Connection with all of you. This will help because i can get to find out how you feel about my work & what you would like to see more of.

But first things first, am Florence, a 30-something Kenyan living in Hamburg Germany. Am an Accountant but i also own this Shop where i sell my creations. Am a believer, happily married to a wonderful man & a mother of 2 amazing babies. I love Fashion & Style, always have & am so blessed to have this chance to be able to create & share it with everyone. So please join me on this new Journey as we all learn more and share this new experience.Feel free to Post a comment below (please be nice) or contact me via Email.

Oh, before i forget, here is my first OOTD, i have on this Printed crop top available my Shop, a ripped high waisted jeans,(which my daughter insists that i should repair) I got mine on Ebay but here is another option. A White Button Down Shirt. got this here. I decided to combine with the crop top because it is still quite chilly here & wearing a sweater on top would have just taken away from all the beauty of the top & Chelsea Boots. This is an easy and casual way to combine the Top and this is definately my everyday true style, cool, smart & cormfortable. Of course you can switch it up with heels for a more sophisticated look, or even with a pencil skirt to make it even more sharper if you like.
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missymiss (Friday, 08 May 2015 12:33)
All i want is the earings. i dont see them in the shop. do you sell them too? please say yes.